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National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research (NCRAR)

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Hearing Aid Investigator

We are seeking a researcher at the Assistant, Associate or Full Professor rank with specialization in hearing aid rehabilitation and/or hearing aid signal processing.

Required qualifications:
• Ph.D. in hearing science, audiology or a related field (e.g., psychology, neuroscience, engineering)
• Strong record of research/scholarly activity
• Track record of successfully obtaining independent research funding
• Rank & Salary: Commensurate with experience
• U.S. Citizen

The NCRAR is housed within a dedicated 20,000 sq. ft. research facility located at the VA Portland Health Care System, and includes ten double-wall sound-attenuation suites, a large anechoic chamber, and balance laboratories. Continuously funded since 1997, NCRAR is one of fourteen national Centers funded by the VA Rehabilitation Research and Development Service, but the only such Center dedicated to the discovery and delivery of cutting-edge solutions to auditory system impairments and balance dysfunction. NCRAR rehabilitation researchers effectively leverage the Center’s substantial infrastructure of shared equipment and facilities resources, biostatistics, engineering and research administration support services to compete for investigator-initiated, peer-reviewed research funding. NCRAR carries out clinical trials, develops technologies, and plays an important role in cultivating the next generation of auditory researchers through education and mentoring programs. The Center is closely allied with the Oregon Health & Science University Departments of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery, Bioengineering, Neurology and Psychiatry. Partial salary support or start-up funding may be available, depending on the qualifications of the investigator.

Duties and responsibilities of the position include: a) preparing and submitting grant proposals to intramural and extramural peer review funding agencies, with the goal of achieving and maintaining independent funding; b) publishing articles in peer review journals having respectable impact factors in the field of study; c) presenting abstracts, papers and/or instructional courses at regional, national and international scientific conferences and meetings; d) mentoring junior rehabilitation research investigators; and e) customer service and support to the NCRAR.

Prospective applicants should provide:
• Letter of interest (including qualifications for the position, philosophy and research goals)
• Curriculum vitae
• Complete contact information of three professional references – including names, addresses and email addresses.

Questions regarding this position may be directed to:

Dawn Konrad-Martin, Ph.D., Director/NCRAR
VA RR&D National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research
VA Portland Health Care System
3710 SW US Veterans Hospital Road, NCRAR/P5
Portland, OR 97239 
Phone 503-220.8262, x52962