National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research (NCRAR)
2022 NCRAR Monthly Seminars
January 13
Laura Coco, AuD, PhD, Fellow, Center to Improve Veteran Involvement in Care (CIVIC), VA HSR&D, Portland, Oregon
Title: Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids: What the Practicing Hearing Aids: What the Practicing Audiologist Needs to Know
Click here for seminar slides
February 10
Frederick Gallun, PhD, Professor, Oregon Hearing Research Center, Oregon Health & Science University; Associate Investigator, NCRAR, Portland, Oregon
Title: Assessment and Training of The Ability to Make Sense of Sound
Click here for seminar slides
March 10
James "Riley" DeBacker, AuD, PhD., Postdoctoral Research Fellow, NCRAR, Portland, Oregon
Title: ART and (Hearing) Science: Auditory Effects of Antiretroviral Exposure
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April 14
No seminar in April (break for Spring Auditory Meetings)
May 12
(Panel Discussion)
Title: Optimizing human connection and communication for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
June 9
Wei Dong, PhD., Research Scientist, Loma Linda VA Health Care System, Loma Linda, California
Title: Visualization of ear impairment using optical coherence tomography (OCT)
Click here for seminar slides
July 14
Colleen Le Prell, PhD, Chair Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing, Emilie and Phil Schepps Professor of Hearing Science, University of Texas, School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Dallas, Texas
Title: Investigational medicine for the inner ear: clinical trial design considerations
Click here for seminar slides
August 11
Jennifer Stone, PhD, Research Professor, Otolaryngology, University of Washington
Title: Current approaches to understanding vestibular hair cell regeneration using mouse models
Click here for seminar slides
September 8
Jonathan Matsui, PhD, Senior Program Director for Academic Affairs, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Title: Faculty Well Being in Academic Medicine
October 13
M. Samantha Lewis, PhD, Professor, School of Audiology, Pacific University, Oregon
Anne E. Hogan, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Audiology, Pacific University
Title: Is Occupational Burnout a Concern for Audiologists?
November 10
Monita Chatterjee, PhD, Senior Scientist and Director, Auditory Prostheses and Perception Lab, Boys Town National Research Hospital, Omaha, Nebraska
Title: Communicating emotional prosody with cochlear implants
Click here for seminar slides
December 8
Julia Jones Huyck, PhD, Associate Professor & Program Coordinator, Speech Pathology and Audiology Program; Assistant Director, Neurocognitive Collaboratory, Brain Health Research Institute, Kent State University
Title: Changes in hearing and listening during adolescence and young adulthood