National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research (NCRAR)
Tinnitus Questionnaires, Surveys and Interviews

Statistically Validated Tinnitus Outcome Measures
- Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI): To request permission to use the Tinnitus Functional Index from the copyright owner, Oregon Health & Science University, please visit:
- Note: To learn more about how to interpret TFI outcomes, click here: VIDEO: June 2019 Seminar by Dr. Tara Zaugg: (from a previous NCRAR monthly seminar "Tinnitus Questionnaire Outcomes vs. Patient Report")
- Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI)
Optional Tinnitus Outcome Measures
Screening Tools
- Tinnitus and Hearing Survey (THS)
- Note: The Tinnitus and Hearing Survey (THS) was developed by employees of the US Federal Government. As such, the THS is not copyrighted and is available for use in the public domain. If used for any purpose, the following publication should be referenced: Henry JA, Zaugg TL, Griest S, Thielman E, Kaelin C, Carlson KF. Tinnitus and Hearing Survey: A screening and assessment tool to differentiate bothersome tinnitus from hearing difficulties. American Journal of Audiology 24(1):66-77, 2015.
- Tinnitus Screener
- Tinnitus Handicap Inventory: Screening Version (THI-S)
Surveys that may be used at the end of PTM Skills Education sessions
Tinnitus Interviews
- 6-Week Post-Workshop Telephone Interview
- Level 4 Interdisciplinary Evaluation: Tinnitus Interview
- Sound Tolerance Interview
These materials were developed by Drs. Jim Henry (National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research), Tara Zaugg (National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research), Paula Myers (James A. Haley VA), and Caroline Schmidt (VA Connecticut Healthcare System). These resources were developed through research grants provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs Rehabilitation Research & Development (VA RR&D) Service.